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Confluences - Vibrant German informal art on canvas

Confluences - Vibrant German informal art on canvas

Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

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Today we often assume an (artificial) separation of mind and body, reason and emotion, nature and culture, and biology and society. What if we let both flow together into a more comprehensive whole? Gestalt therapy deals with this idea: confluence means that the individual feels no boundary between himself and his environment, when he senses that he and it are one.... A state of longing, self-reflection, deep feelings and yet also of lightness and playfulness.


About informal art painting:

The artworks of informal art and tachisme often seem like a spontaneous explosion of colors on the canvas. They emphasize the essence of color, its movements, its material properties and the resulting contrasts. Informal painting rejects form and representationalism, but emphasizes color as a motif in itself. It is an artistic attitude that neither proceeds from classical principles of composition nor uses geometrically constructed abstractions and instead employs immediate, gestural and process-oriented, eruptive-dynamic techniques.

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